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iStay@Home outclasses competitors…

Reliable, secure & almost future proof

iStay@Home devices are an integrated hardware system, not a set of individually sourced components. This means our supply chain is reliable and most importantly secure. Each device is managed and from time to time updated remotely to ensure the whole system remains completely secure.

Discreet & stylish devices

iStay@Home sensors are discreet and have a very stylish european design. Some devices offered by others look positively soviet in design. You’ll find iStay@Home is hardly visible in a home, but if noticed our devices are attractive and sleek in any setting.

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Total Data Sovereignty

Unlike other systems and companies iStay@Home believes in total data sovereignty.

All systems that monitor like iStay@Home generate data. We believe that data belongs to you. In fact the data is stored on the gateway device in your home. For the mobile app `snapshots’ of the data are taken as often as the mobile app refreshes. However all of those snapshots are automatically deleted within 24 hours.

Some Companies operating in this market believe your data is valuable. They may even offer a system at a fraction of the price of the iStay@home system. As we all know, bargains have catches. The Company offering cheap hardware is most likely selling your data to health and insurance companies.

We believe your data is your data.

Continual improvement and building a community

We are a small company and passionately care about the services we provide. We are very hands on to ensure your iStay@Home system remains operable and connected. We are also committed to improving and building on to the iStay@Home platform.

As well we are committed to creating a community of carers using the istay@Home system. Because, as carers we often have more in common with each other than our friends who are not yet carers. An online community makes getting to know each other easy, because let’s face it, who has time these days?

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