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Be Connected - Free Tech Help for Older Australians

With our older community at risk from the effects of Corona Virus and with social distancing in force for some time yet, it’s more important than ever to stay in touch. Telephone calls are great, but these days there are more modern options available, except they can be a challenge to set up and operate.

If you're not sure of how to set up your computer, tablet or mobile phone so you can communicate more easily with your loved ones, or you cant find someone to help you set it up, have a look at the Be Connected website

The Be Connected website

"Be Connected" is an Australian government initiative committed to increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians. 

The website is simple to use, with a range of easy to understand learning videos & materials.

In the top menu, choose the Topic Library and either type in the topic you want to learn about or roll down to find learning materials grouped by subject starting with the basics but also covering WiFi and mobile networks and Connecting to others.

The Making Video Calls Course will walk you through setting up video calls on whatever device you have. Don’t worry, these courses are specifically designed for older people who aren’t used to technology.

You’ll find specific How To Use courses for some of the most popular video chat/conference software including;  



and Facetime

There is also a terrific Practice Area where beginners can go to practice their newly learned skills like;

when and how to double click,

getting out of a right click menu,

closing pop up boxes plus loads more

Making Video Calls: Be Connected website

Another useful feature of the "Be Connected" initiative is the "Network Partners". The Network is managed by Good Things Foundation

The aim of the Network is to develop local community support to help older Australians to engage with digital technology in their local area. 

Pre Covid-19, the service has mainly been offered through community organisations and as a face to face program but isolation restrictions on aged care facilities will obviously prevent this.  

However, it's worth reaching out to the Good Things Foundation to help you find someone who could phone you and help your with any problems you are having getting your video chat set up.

You can also look under the Find Local Help section on the website to see if there is a local community group who may be able to help.

email:  connect@goodthingsfoundation.org

Phone: (02) 9051 9292

Be Connected has community group affiliates Australia-wide